Wednesday 31 July 2013

The size of your belly

If you have any doubt on the size of your belly, then take a centimeter and measure the circumference of your waist. Norms for men is up to 94 cm, and for WOMEN - up to 88 cm. If you have more, then you need to clean BELLY! Let me point out the order will have to do in order to clean the Belly: CLEAR Trans fats from their diet.

This dietary fats freaks obtained by "twisting" of the molecules as a result of saturation of the hydrogen atoms. This is done in order to get a very cheap food outlet, the sale of which a producer can make more money. Examples of foods that contain a lot of trans fat you all well know, it's margarine and other "spreads", 90% of the store butters, mayonnaise, cups, bottled sauces, French fries, ketchup, canned food, chips, fast food, refined sunflower oil etc.get more knowledge here:
In addition to the toxicity and harm to the heart, Trans fats block the process of the transfer of nutrients through the cell membrane and into the process of bringing out the toxic waste products. Generally the whole metabolism is heading to hell. Therefore, the trans-fat is not only increases the amount of visceral fat around your stomach, but also reallocates there from other parts of your body. McDonald's, chips, mayonnaise, "spreads" ala butter for sandwiches, and "current" fat cakes are dangerous for your figure is not because there is a lot of fat.

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