Friday 18 October 2013

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon-lose weight on holidays

People actually gain more weight during the holidays?
Do not feel guilty; Americans seem to only gain about 1 kg of body weight during the holidays with Customized fat loss info by Kyle Leon

With Halloween, Christmas and Hanukah around the corner, we're right in the middle of marathon seasonal indulgence.
 Ironically, the magazines that publish pictures of decadent gooey pecan pies, chocolate and cocktails are the same warn us about the dangers of excessive in the form of holiday weight gain.
Depending on where you look, you can come across quite alarming "statistics" about the weight of the average American-earned holiday season.
We've seen reports of all 3-7 lbs. along the years. What I did not see, however, is all real scientific data to make these numbers up.

 Weight in freesias:
There are just a small number of studies that I am aware of that actually bothered to form methodically and scientifically measuring trends holiday weight gain in the U.S., and their findings offer us both good news and bad news in that we expect the true results of our annual season of decay to be.
First, the good news: most Americans seem to have gained only about 1 kg of body weight during the holidays, on average.

This value is based on the research most commonly cited a 2000 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine like Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon- Thinking is the loss

 Only those who are emotionally well can change your routine and meet manufacturing targets with Customized fat loss torrent by Kyle Leon
It is normal not to have courage to change habits to the table. How can live without potato chips, Brigadier or pastel?

 The feeling generated with this kind of thinking is the loss. So great is the difficulty to initiate concrete actions to nutritional education.
To win those focusing on the gains that you get with healthy eating habits. Imagine how your skin will be more beautiful, the pounds you lose and how to increase your mood and self-esteem.
It's always good to remember that a healthy diet is more important than cutting track what you eat.
A crayon or a piece of chocolate cake, from time to time, does not cause great damage.
After all, nobody is happy when he excludes his life what he likes. The secret is in the right dosage. Sometimes the result of our actions is far short of what we expected.
What to do?
Give up at the first difficulty is the worst choice to make. If the feeding program is being painful, something is wrong.

It is better to explain the problems to your dietitian for adjustments to be made ​​or changes that facilitate compliance with the program.
There are always other options.

Do not give up on your goals, no matter how difficult they may seem. Improve your self-knowledge and find out what needs to be changed to feed a balanced and satisfy their physical and emotional needs of Customized fat loss reviews by Kyle Leon:

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon- Lose weight with health

Use your mind to your advantage for Slimming with Customized fat loss torrent by Kyle Leon
Lose weight with health, as it is known, requires more than balanced diet and exercise.
The good quality sleep is also very important. During rest night time, especially in the deeper stages of sleep, is the synthesis of several hormones associated with weight control.:

Emotional balance is the decisive factor, because it creates the conditions to enable the actions that promote weight loss. Some people feel hungry before the other or take more time to indulge. Others have a habit of snacking or eating for purely emotional.
Many do not realize that to improve the physical form may be necessary to change the lifestyle, at least when it comes to food.

 Being overweight suitable can generate various negative feelings such as frustration, depression, disappointment, or low self-esteem

The situation can be complicated, because these feelings often trigger the desire to eat more.
Fattening because a person consumes more calories than you expend
There are a few exceptions, arising from physical or metabolic. The truth is that being overweight does not happen quickly and without your own consent.

Likewise, you can only lose weight with a conscious effort. So it is important to find out why you want to eat more than necessary."To win those focusing on the gains that you get with healthy eating habits"
When there is a difficult phase in personal or professional life, you need to give much more attention to emotions with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon- Increase the calories

Olives, avocados and nuts they increase the calories in a healthy way and protect against heart disease with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon
Start your day

Consumption of high quality protein such as eggs and milk for breakfast, help increase muscle mass. Start your day eating scrambled eggs, accompanied by a fruit smoothie with milk or yoghurt.
Juices with calorie

Hydrate your body with fruit juice, they add calories and vitamins. Avoid drinks lights.
Add something more meals
Some ideas to enrich your meals:

Milk powder can be added to milk or yoghurt to increase fluid intake of calories and protein, without increasing volume. It can also be added to the soup, puree or fruit juice.
Include egg in salads or meats also can be added to soup.
Consume oils, avocados and olives in abundance. Add in salads and accompaniments.
Nuts and seeds can be used as snacks, add cereal, yoghurt or salad. In milkshake you can include nuts and fruits.

Exercise Weight
Weight any exercise makes the muscles grow.
 You can do weight training or exercises that work with your own weight, like palates and yoga with the help of Customized fat loss torrent by Kyle Leon

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon- Skip meals

Write down everything you eat with Customized fat loss info by Kyle Leon
The idea is to write about 3 days eating everything in details (time, type, quantity).
This will give you an idea of what to change (e.g., skipping meals), and the increase. If the weight continues, you already know who has to increase consumption.

Do not skip meals
Ideal for those who want to gain weight is to make several meals and no more than three hours without eating. Also, choose foods.
Make healthy snacks before the time comes to eat, already has in mind what will snack. Choose healthy foods.

Eat lean meat
To build muscles, you need to consume lean protein. Remember that no matter only quantity but quality.
The high quality is of animal origin and the whole body needs them, the egg is also a reliable source, followed by milk protein. The low quality is associated with fats that will do to increase your cholesterol.
Included protein source in the meal See the best:

Eggs, milk and milk products (yoghurt, cheese), lean meat and seafood, fish, chicken, etc..
Vegetable foods: legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils, soy), and nuts Soy protein is vegetable of highest quality, a great alternative for those who consume little meat.

Eat healthy fats are vegetables, vegetable oils (olive, canola, flaxseed, sunflower, etc with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon-Fatty muscles

It seems obvious that for fat, the only thing you have to do is binge eating anything they like, but not quite with Customized fat loss info by Kyle Leon

In fact, it is best to consult specialist nutrition so that it prescribes an eating plan including all food groups: dairy products, fruits, vegetables, meats, grains and fats, but everything with caution.
Furthermore, as with any other diet, either to lose weight or gain weight, it is important that it be complemented with physical exercise so that the body does not become disproportionate.

It takes into account the person's age, your medical history and the amount of weight you want to win.
For people who want to increase between 2 and 5 pounds are recommended decreasing physical activity, that they may rest more, to take some food supplement prescribed by a doctor and try to rest after each meal.

It's important to always be supervised by a physician to avoid serious damage to health
Nevertheless, eating is not the only way that affects the ability to gain weight.
The exercise, stress, the body's predisposition are also essential. How weight gain: To increase 1kg extra weight, the body requires 7000 calories, which means that to achieve the increased half pound per week occupies 3,500 calories per 500 more day.

But of course to add those calories, they must be healthy, and not a chocolate bar or bag of chips giant. See other tips with Customized fat loss download by Kyle Leon

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon- Reduces the glucose

This process also reduces by 20% the absorption of carbohydrates, also considerably reduces the glucose what can mean in some cases the elimination of up to 4% by weight in 30 days with Customized fat loss reviews by Kyle Leon
Such a mechanism provides a safe alternative for weight loss diets for diabetics who need and decrease the amount of circulating sugar.
The beans usually done as salads can be eaten without further worries. Well apart from tasty is a functional food. Dilute 1/2 gram of flour in the finished water or even natural juices and drink 30 minutes before lunch and dinner.
I.e. a teaspoon in half (appearing edges of the spoon ) in half a glass of water in each main meal, such as are two of these measures would be two, which give 1 teaspoon shallow over the whole day. Ideally this would weigh 1 gram.
But be very careful. The flour should not be consumed more than 1 gram per day, as consumption can also cause nausea and diarrhea and other side effects.
Aside from that will not help you lose weight faster. The flour is no slimming; it is more an ally in the fight against extra pounds and better health.
Basic recipe for white bean salad
1 can of light tuna
250 of white beans, cooked to the tooth for vinaigrette 2 chopped tomatoes 1 grated carrot , chopped 1 red pepper vinaigrette to 1 chopped green pepper vinaigrette to 5 chopped green olives 1 chopped tomatoes for vinaigrette 1 green pepper, chopped for vinaigrette along with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon-Healthy Recipes

Morning: Coffee with lemon. Lunch: Grilled steak and fruit cups. Dining: Eat what you want, less sweet and alcoholic beverages Note on diet sup: 1 - After you complete this series, start again from the first day to the seventh day with Customized fat loss torrent by Kyle Leon

After 14 days you will have lost 14 Kg in 15 days you can return to your eating habits. 2 - Herbs allowed: watercress, chicory, lettuce. You can drink water, coffee and tea all day.
You should not switch the diet foods and not replace them time.

Supper ● 200 ml skimmed milk ● 1/2 banana Second Day CafĂ© Morning 1 slice of light bread pan with 1 1/2 of cheese-minas light ● 1
(Tea) coffee with sweetener Snack Morning ● 1/2 papaya ● 1 ginger tea Lunch ● 1 salad made ​​with lettuce leaves tomatoes 1 2 col. (Soup) of spinach sautĂ©ed ● 1 slice of lean roast beef  1 medium bowl of gelatin diet Afternoon Snack 1 slice of pineapple with 1 pinch cinnamon Dinner salad of watercress

col. (Soup) of grated carrot 1 chicken fillet with onions ● 3 col. (Soup) of steamed broccoli ● 1 medium slice of watermelon Supper ● 1 sic.
 tea lemongrass Third Day Breakfast ● 1/2 French bread ● 1 1/2 cheese slice-of-mine slim ● 1 (Tea) Coffee Morning Snack ● 200 ml of fruit juice Lunch bean ● 2 col. (Soup) of rice ● 1/2 c. (Tea) of boiled cauliflower ● 1 plate salad endive and spinach meatballs ● 4 medium
No action of this enzyme, the body is unable to absorb the entire molecules of starch and are thus eliminated naturally without accumulating calories, sugars and fats in the body because the carbohydrate was not used as energy source, such as localized fat is accumulated with Customized fat loss product by Kyle Leon

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon- Additional benefits

On the other hand according to the defense of Rosina, there is no evidence that the prescription capsule is effective both in the weight loss process as in satiety with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon
 Additional benefits help in the functioning of the thyroid and reduce cholesterol
 The Fluvial Pine advises always consult a doctor before starting any diet with caloric restriction. "A lot of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol are silent," explains the expert.
First Day
Breakfast: Black coffee without sugar, with sweetener Lunch: 2 boiled eggs and herbs to be desired Dinner: lettuce salad with cucumber and celery at home

Second Day
Morning: Coffee cream with wafer-crackers Lunch: 1 large steak with fruit salad to taste Dinner: Ham at home
Third Day

Morning: Coffee with cream-biscuit crackers Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, salad pod and 2 toast Dinner: Ham and salad
Fourth Day:

Morning: Coffee with cookie Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 1 carrot and cheese mines at ease Dinner: Fruit salad and yoghurt
Fifth Day Morning: raw carrot with squeezed lemon and black coffee Lunch: Grilled chicken at ease Dinner: 2 boiled eggs with carrot
Sixth Day Morning: Coffee with cookie Lunch: Fish fillet with tomato comfortable Dinner: 2 boiled eggs with carrot with Customized fat loss download by Kyle Leon

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon- Bad cholesterol

Composition Based of safflower and coconut Thinning promises to act in burning love handles and reduce the formation of fat with Customized fat loss reviews by Kyle Leon
The omega 6 in the product (thanks to safflower oil) is responsible for the reduction in waist circumference. ·
More pleasure "Coconut oil helps to balance the sex hormones (estrogen in women and testosterone in men).
 Therefore indirectly improves sexual performance, "says Pupin. · On the other hand ... ... to Rosina, oils have the same characteristic harmful, "are very caloric."
Other benefits cause the reduction of bad cholesterol (LDL), increases rates of good cholesterol (HDL) and improve the immune system.
Bio Diet
· Contains 90 capsules (£ 40 *). (To purchase, you must have a prescription).
· How to consume: Three capsules a day (one at breakfast, one at lunch and one at dinner), accompanied by two glasses of water.
· The dry: With proper nutrition and exercises, there is a loss of up to 3 kg per month.
· Contraindication: allergy to iodine. Composition Made enzyme and substance chromium Thinning "Reduces carbohydrate cravings," says According to the company, the prevents the conversion of sugars into fat. "It can help burn glucose, but only with a reduced-calorie diet," · High in Nutrients The formula also inhibits appetite, facilitates the elimination of fat and keeps the body satiated with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

Wednesday 31 July 2013

The best source of carbs

Grits is known as the best source of carbs than bread. Eat Carbohydrates LESS - lose weight easily and your health will be better. The diet of modern man is particularly high in fat and carbohydrates. Because of their manufacturing and the price is cheaper than proteins. The problem is that with them people are getting too many calories. Although carbohydrates are much lower in calories than fat, but the danger for your figure more from them because of the insulin that is produced in response to their reception. Insulin - the hormone transport, which took away the nutrients for the cells of our body.

If there is a surplus of energy, it will drag "under the skin" in the form of fat. That is why, by the way, not all nutritionists recommend eating a sweet evening. The diet of the majority of people has a lot of sugars, starches, refined rice and potatoes. Remember when I said that visceral fat "goes very quickly"? This can be achieved very quickly and easily with the help of low-carbohydrate diets.Click here more Knowledge:

People often make it difficult to understand simple things. Do you want to lose weight - eat less? It's very simple! DIET - It is the most effective way to lose weight. Any exercise will not help you to actually remove the bulging belly, because it significantly increases the daily energy expenditure. In these conditions, the only method of working is just reducing the amount of food.


Some fat intake is necessary for our body

Fat is necessary to our body. They are very dangerous because there is a lot of fat-freak: Trans fats, destroy your metabolism. For more details about it, I talked in a previous article, "Fast Food = ANOTHER FAT!" Eat less saturated fat   that is such fats that used to run, swim, jump or mooing. These products such as lard, butter, fatty fish, etc by itself, saturated fat is not dangerous and even useful for our body.
But only when it is needed, and NOT EXCESSIVE NUMBER! Saturated fat problem is that they're delicious and you can eat a lot received as a result of excess calories, which will be deposited in the reserve on your stomach. Eat more fiber (dietary fiber), which in addition to slowing assimilation of food and has a beneficial effect on your visceral fat, purifying it from the body. Dietary fibers are found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables. So try to use them as much as possible.get more link on my web pages:

You may have heard that "bread is bad", especially the white or the fact that "pasta harmful" for the figure, as well as pastries. Do considerate person immediately raises the question: WHY? After all, these products - a great source of carbohydrates. Why carbohydrates from cereals called useful, and carbohydrates from white bread, pasta or harmful?   Reason - the same dietary fiber. They are not there! Fiber is not in the bread of flour and pastry and pasta them either

The size of your belly

If you have any doubt on the size of your belly, then take a centimeter and measure the circumference of your waist. Norms for men is up to 94 cm, and for WOMEN - up to 88 cm. If you have more, then you need to clean BELLY! Let me point out the order will have to do in order to clean the Belly: CLEAR Trans fats from their diet.

This dietary fats freaks obtained by "twisting" of the molecules as a result of saturation of the hydrogen atoms. This is done in order to get a very cheap food outlet, the sale of which a producer can make more money. Examples of foods that contain a lot of trans fat you all well know, it's margarine and other "spreads", 90% of the store butters, mayonnaise, cups, bottled sauces, French fries, ketchup, canned food, chips, fast food, refined sunflower oil etc.get more knowledge here:
In addition to the toxicity and harm to the heart, Trans fats block the process of the transfer of nutrients through the cell membrane and into the process of bringing out the toxic waste products. Generally the whole metabolism is heading to hell. Therefore, the trans-fat is not only increases the amount of visceral fat around your stomach, but also reallocates there from other parts of your body. McDonald's, chips, mayonnaise, "spreads" ala butter for sandwiches, and "current" fat cakes are dangerous for your figure is not because there is a lot of fat.

How to remove belly fat

Once we have a purpose: to remove belly fat. Now you only have to identify the optimal plan to address it and get to action. Remove visceral fat is really not difficult. For a very simple reason, the fact is that the fat in various parts of the body have different "suppleness" combustion.
This is regulated by varying the proportion of alpha and beta receptors in the tissue. These receptors interact with stress hormones and trigger or inhibit the process of fat burning. BETA receptors cause LIPOLYSIS (reduce the size of fat), and Alpha receptors on the contrary, "pulled the blanket" on its side: inhibit fat burning. For example, the power and the birth of a child - a very important thing for evolution, so she made sure, that the female body was more alpha and beta receptors in the less' hard to reach places.
get more information here:

": the buttocks, thighs. On the other hand, the fat on your stomach does not contain a large number of alpha receptors that inhibit fat burning, therefore, subject to the necessary rules Calorie BELLY out fast enough. If the man adds physical activity and reduced caloric content of their diet, the first thing he starts to burn fat is visceral, it's not funny. From it the easiest way to get rid of if desired. WHAT YOU NEED TO REMOVE BELLY FAT? So, you feel like you need to clean the stomach.

What factors accelerate the synthesis of fats

When the insulin inhibits the output; forcing the body to produce more insulin, which further accelerates the synthesis of fats. The 'vicious circle' in order to get out of it, you need to increase insulin sensitivity. It is best suited for this exercise with weights, because they increase the sensitivity of the muscle to this important hormone. THREAT TO HEART - The most dangerous thing associated with visceral fat is certainly a threat to the heart. As you know this is happening because of atherosclerosis.

The mechanism is very simple. Once in the liver, visceral fat is synthesized LDL (bad cholesterol), resulting in the amount of HDL (good cholesterol) decreased. In the circulatory system "walk" bloated size to large LDL (bad cholesterol), which can "clog" and spoil the vessels forming cholesterol plaques. It is obvious that the heart cannot pump as before calmly blood through the vessels. He has to overwork, making "not a full-time" job.  Wear out sooner Heart, at best. And the worst may just stop in a heart attack.more detailes

I advise you to read my article about the "egg" and about "the training of the heart", which I consider in detail issues of cholesterol and heart function. NOT DIFFICULT TO REMOVE BELLY - All right. I think it is obvious to all that fat belly does not mean a symbol of masculinity, a symbol of illness and early death. If you understand this, then most of the way to eliminate belly count overcome.

Accumulation of visceral fat around the organs

Let's move on - accumulation of visceral fat around the organs activates a series of biochemical processes leading to INSULIN RESISTANCE i.e. the body does not react to insulin (reduced sensitivity to it). Perhaps you've heard that word. But most of all, do not understand the danger of this thing. Imagine you have eaten a meal in response to which developed insulin. However, reduced sensitivity to the body and therefore produces more insulin than necessary amount.

This overload leads to the development of a number of dangerous pathologies. Starting from diabetes type 2, cancer, myocardial ischemia, and ending with such trifles as kidney failure and obesity. Visceral fat alter hormones by blocking the production of sex hormones that, as you know, a direct effect on potency, sexual desire and other very important things genitalia. In addition visceral fat delivers hormones stimulating the appetite. Whereby a "vicious circle": much excess calories abdominal create a need for an even larger amount of excess calories.get furtehr detailes here:

The balance of the body is broken: the insulin begins to produce a lot more than you need, because sensitivity to declining in the face of excess calories. The pancreas is under constant load and then the entire familiar route: insulin resistance - obesity - diabetes, heart disease, etc. Visceral fat cells are especially insulin resistance. Once in the liver, they not only form the bad cholesterol (LDL), but also greatly increase the likelihood of fatty liver.

Excess calories and lack of physical activities

If you take all the fat that is present in your body, then the proportion of visceral to account for one-tenth (10%) part of it i.e., healthy proportion of fat:
·90% - subcutaneous fat
·10% - visceral (internal) fat

But in life, this proportion is constantly disturbed due to excess calories on the one hand and lack of physical activity on the other side. The fact that visceral fat has a "talent" - easy to increase its volume in the case when you are breaking the proportion of received and calories burned.

What is a health hazard that is visceral fat?   Let's try to understand. First of all, visceral fat is not so easy at one place as subcutaneous. Visceral fat is a thing very active. Every now and then he throws in the bloodstream the excess fatty acids, which our liver converts into a deadly artery for the "bad" cholesterol - low-density lipoprotein. This increases the risk of atherosclerosis by the formation of cholesterol here for more information:

But as early as this place just one step away from diseases of the circulatory system and increase blood pressure. In general, thrombosis, excess cholesterol and high blood pressure all real threat. I have often told you that from diseases of the heart and blood vessels caused by atherosclerosis are dying every three out of four in the world today. In fact, this is the main cause of death and the more you have, the closer you are to death.

How fat is stored easily in large numbers

Sometimes in compensation, fat is stored easily and in large numbers on the thighs and buttocks forming so hated girls "breeches" and other cellulite. In men, it's different. They are characterized by "abdominal obesity" (abdominal) in contrast to the women, "the gluteal-femoral obesity." Fat men postponed mainly in the stomach, because they do not want to give birth, and are the location of fat is stored energy, the least interfere with the functionality of the physical body to hunt or work.

All we see every day, men with huge "mammon", which they lovingly call "labor calluses."  This is the main sign of excess weight - "abdominal obesity". Sometimes it seems that there is someone sitting inside and the man will soon give birth to a kind of monster, so large size can take the stomach because in the area of male belly fat is stored in two ways. Familiar to us subcutaneous fat that lies between the skin and the abdominal muscles and the fat around the organs (liver, kidney, pancreas), which is called visceral fat.more information here:

It is he who is responsible in terms of dimensionless "labor calluses" from men. Visceral fat is composed of brown fat cells, which are found in the abdominal cavity and protects the internal organs from external influence. Therefore, it is obvious that what the percentage of visceral fat is a must for the safety of your body which is extremely necessary to stay healthy.

The higher the standard of living

Immediately began to show the sad relationship: the higher the standard of living in the country, the more people die from heart disease caused by obesity. Particularly serious problems began at people in the 20th century. Health shattered and   refined food factory prepared, and the development of transport, and easy chairs   lead to sedentary life.   's latest "nail in the coffin" hammered television and the Internet, to whom ordinary people spend a huge part of my life sitting motionless.

Therefore, not surprising that the greatest percentage of overweight people celebrated in the U.S., because the food there is the cheapest in the world, and people lead a sedentary lifestyle, sitting on the internet. Statistics tell us that 64% of Americans and 30% of Russian overweight. FATTY PLACES - Overweight - a "canned" in the form of fat energy reserves which makes our body when it gets more than it spends. These fat reserves are not evenly deposited. They have a favorite place. more sources available:

Males it BELLY, and women thighs and buttocks. Cause - various biological problems of both sexes. Woman constructed nature to give birth, so it is important to the body normal ovarian function, on the one hand, and a large supply of essential oil (for herself and the child) in case of famine, on the other hand. Placement of fat in the abdominal area would be advisable to implement a childbearing woman, so this place is deposited only subcutaneous fat, not visceral (male).

Accumulation of energy from food

Chroniclers put in it the value of willingness to give their lives for their country, or the king, and not overeating at feasts, as many people think. And this is not surprising. Since ancient times the word "belly" symbolized the physical ‘life’. In addition to the entire familiar letter "F" in those days was read as a "belly". Why is that? Maybe our ancestors understood the special role of this part of the body for our health and life in general and it is quite logical.  Belly - a place where there is an accumulation of energy from food and the place where the food is converted into energy as a result of digestion.

This is why all past age’s thinness was a sign of poverty, and the presence of abdominal sign of great wealth. After all, to Grow stomach, you had to eat a lot and spend a little energy that could afford only very few in those ancient times. Typically the owners of large bellies were successful merchants at the age of 30. However, we now know that a big belly - it's not just more information here:

Big belly - is extremely dangerous because it indicates the presence of excess weight and leads to many diseases.  Technological advances have dealt a crushing blow to the health of our species. The easier it became to find food, the less people are moving, and the more you shove a cheap meal.